5 Star Repair Services is Houston’s # 1 24 hour emergency service company. Thanks to our great customers spreading the great word about are excellent service, we are proud to be a family owned company. Our customers appreciate that we have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, & we also have an A+ rating with the BBB.
Most hvac service companies say that they are available to you days & nights, but with 5 star repair services we mean it. We have 24 Hour emergency service, and because we reside and work in the Houston area we are always really available. Where most companies are 30 minutes away.We have the most experience available when it comes to getting you out of a jam. We repair all types of hvac and repair all major brands. When you need your ac fixed, repaired or maybe it’s time for a tune-up call 5 Star Repair Services Inc.
AC maintenance is a big part of our company at 5 Star Repair Services Inc. During every service call, we’ll tweak your system’s energy efficiency immediately and clear up any upcoming problems, before they can become large issues. That means our maintenance checkup will save you money in important ways, lowering your energy bills in the short term and save your hvac unit from costly repairs in the long run. Even a well managed system can break down here and there, and our hvac repair experts are always ready for your 24 hour professional emergency service to respond. Our honest and polite technicians will come to your residence in the Houston area with always enough parts and equipment to finish your repair in the same visit.
77001 77002 77003 77004 77005 77006 77007 77008 77009 77010 77011 77012 77013 77014 77015 77016 77017 77018 77019 77020 77021 77022 77023 77024 77025 77026 77027 77028 77029 77030 77031 77032 77033 77034 77035 77036 77037 77038 77039 77040 77041 77042 77043 77044 77045 77046 77047 77048 77049 77050 77051 77052 77053 77054 77055 77056 77057 77058 77059 77060 77061 77062 77063 77064 77065 77066 77067 77068 77069 77070 77071 77072 77073 77074 77075 77076 77077 77078 77079 77080 77081 77082 77083 77084 77085 77086 77087 77088 77089 77090 77091 77092 77093 77094 77095 77096 77097 77098 77099 77201 77202 77203 77204 77205 77206 77207 77208 77209 77210 77212 77213 77215 77216 77217 77218 77219 77220 77221 77222 77223 77224 77225 77226 77227 77228 77229 77230 77231 77233 77234 77235 77236 77237 77238 77240 77241 77242 77243 77244 77245 77246 77247 77248 77249 77250 77251 77252 77253 77254 77255 77256 77257 77258 77259 77260 77261 77262 77263 77265 77266 77267 77268 77269 77270 77271 77272 77273 77274 77275 77276 77277 77278 77279 77280 77282 77284 77285 77286 77287 77288 77289 77290 77291 77292 77293 77294 77296 77297 77298 77299 77301 77302 77303 77304 77306 77316 77318 77327 77328 77333 77336 77338 77339 77345 77346 77354 77356 77357 77365 77369 77370 77371 77372 77373 77375 77377 77378 77379 77380 77381 77382 77383 77384 77385 77388 77389 77396 77401 77406 77417 77422 77423 77429 77430 77433 77441 77444 77445 77446 77447 77449 77450 77459 77461 77464 77466 77477 77478 77479 77480 77486 77489 77492 77493 77494 77502 77503 77504 77505 77506 77510 77511 77515 77517 77518 77520 77521 77530 77531 77532 77533 77534 77535 77536 77538 77539 77541 77545 77546 77547 77550 77551 77554 77561 77562 77563 77564 77565 77566 77568 77571 77573 77575 77577 77578 77581 77582 77583 77584 77586 77587 77590 77591 77598 77617 77623 77650 77243 77052 77244 77097 77245 77201 77246 77202 77247 77203 77248 77204 77249 77205 77250 77206 77251 77207 77252 77208 77253 77209 77254 77210 77255 77212 77256 77213 77257 77215 77258 77216 77259 77217 77260 77218 77261 77219 77262 77220 77263 77221 77265 77222 77266 77223 77267 77224 77268 77225 77269 77226 77270 77227 77271 77228 77272 77229 77273 77230 77274 77231 77275 77233 77276 77234 77277 77235 77278 77236 77279 77238 77280 77240 77282 77241 77284 77242 77285 77286 77516 77287 77522 77288 77542 77289 77549 77290 77552 77291 77553 77292 77555 77293 77572 77294 77574 77296 77588 77297 77592 77298 77299 77305 77315 77325 77337 77347 77353 77368 77383 77387 77391 77393 77402 77407 77410 77411 77413 77431 77451 77463 77481 77487 77491 77496 77497 77501 77507 77508 77512 77473 77489 77459 77099 77477 77498 77478 77410 77429 77433 77575 77095 77377 77375 77362 77354 77845 77840 77807 77802 77801 77345 77339 77325 77396 77338 77396 77346 77338 77574 77573
[ League City 77573 77574 ] [ Nassau Bay 77058 77258 ] [ Atascocita 77396 77346 77338 77044 ] [ Bacliff 77518 ] [ Baytown 77520 77521 77522 77523 77580 ] [ Bellaire 77401 77402 77080 ] [ Brazoria 77422 77480 77486 ] [ College Station 77840 77841 77842 77843 77844 77845 ] [ Bunkerhill Village 77024 ] [ Channelview 77530 ] [ Cinco Ranch 77450 77494 77094 77407 ] [ Clear Lake 77058 77059 77062 77258 77505 77507 77565 77573 77586 77598 ] [ Conroe 77301 77302 77303 77304 77305 77306 77384 77385 ] [ Copperfield 77095 ] [ Cypress 77410 77429 77433 77575 ] [ Deer Park 77536 ] [ Freeport 77541 77542 ] [ Friendswood 77546 77549 ] [ Galleria – Uptown 77055 77056 77057 77215 77257 ] [ Hedwig Village 77024 ] [ Humble 77338 77346 77347 77396 ] [ Hunters Creek Village 77024 ] [ Jamaica Beach – Galveston – Tiki Island 77550 77554 ] [ Jersey Village 77040 ] [ Katy 7449 77450 77491 77492 77493 77494 ] [ Kemah 77565 ] [ Kingwood 77325 77339 77345 77346 ] [ Magnolia 77353 77354 77355 ] [ Manvel 77578 ] [ Meadows Place 77477 ] [ Memorial 77007 77079 77055 77056 77092 77008 77019 77027 77057 ] [ Midtown 77002 77004 77006 ] [ Meyerland 77096 ] [ Missouri City – Sienna Plantation 77459 77489 ] [ Montrose 77006 77098 77019 ] [ Pasadena 77501 77502 77503 77504 77505 77506 77507 77508 ] [ Pearland 77581 77584 77588 ] [ Piney Point Village 77024 ] [ River Oaks 77027 77019 77098 ] [ Rosenberg 77471 ] [ Rosharon 77583 ] [ Royal Oaks 77082 ] [ Seabrook 77586 ] [ Southside Place 77005 ] [ Spring 77382 77380 77379 77373 77383 77386 77388 77389 77391 77393 ] [ Spring Branch 77080 77041 77043 77055 ] [ Stafford 77497 77477 ] [ Sugar Land 77478 77479 77487 77496 77498 ] [ The Woodlands 77354 77375 77380 77381 77382 77384 77385 77386 77389 ] [ Tomball 77375 77377 ] [ Webster 77598 ] [ Westchase 77063 ] [ West University Place 77005 77025 ] [ Willis 77318 77378 ] [ Humble 77338 ]
Goodman Mitsubishi Carrier Bryant Payne York Amana Janitrol Trane American Standard Rheem Ruud Lennox
5 Star Repair Services Inc. | TACLA00051318C | All Rights Reserved. © –2025